Category: Uplifting

The newborn baby whose face filled with a beautiful smile as soon as he heard his father’s voice.

It is a fact that most of the people have discovered even through tests that a child in the fetus can grasp sounds by 16 weeks. This is why it is common...

A six-year-old child manages to save his father’s life with a google search.

Kyle was lucky enough to live instead of dying due to the opportunistic decision of his daughter, who was inside at the time of the incident. Credit: Cover image source: YouTube Screenshot |...

The Kansas City Twins are celebrating their 102nd birthday.

Birthday parties can be considered one of the most treasured occasions in life. But if you are celebrating your 100th birthday, you are exceptional, not just notable. The twin sisters from Kansas City...
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My non-verbal autistic daughter spoke for the first time to express her love for elder sister

Annabelle was born with Autism and was unable to express herself in words. But as she is a human being she is needed to...

Kelly Osbourne Shares her son Sidney’s First Tooth Milestone After Celebrating Second Thanksgiving as a Mom

Kelly Osbourne, 39 years old mother shared a picture of her son Sidney on Friday who was 12 months old to that day. That...

The top secrets of a supercentenarian, aged 110, living independently, divulges the key to his enduring and dynamic longevity.

Here are the top secrets shared by a supercentenarian on his healthy lifestyle. According to the Centenarian Study at Boston University, only 15% of centenarians...